Scott McKenna
Director, Global Energy Analysis, RBAC Inc.
Scott McKenna brings a unique diversity and depth to RBAC’s analytical team, having experience in trading and analytics that traverses the major energy commodities – Natural Gas, Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs), Crude Oil and Refined Product. Scott’s formal academic training began at Penn State University where he obtained a BS degree in Mineral Economics with a minor in Economics. Additionally, he pursued graduate level courses in Econometrics and International Economics and was accepted into George Mason University’s PhD Economics programs.
Scott spent several years working at energy industry related consulting firms in the Washington DC area, building and operating analytical tools for Natural Gas supply and demand forecasting, pipeline network optimization modeling, alternative gasoline blending economics and optimization, as well as policy analysis related to the Clean Air Act.
Choosing to relocate to Houston, Texas and pursue a career in Trading and Risk Management, Scott shifted focus toward applying his data analytics experience to commercial applications. Starting in risk control, Scott quickly proved himself as an invaluable part of the NGLs commercial business unit at what was then NGC. Furthering his career, Scott moved to PGE Energy Trading to manage all analytics aspects of their NGLs business and eventually was promoted to a trader role with responsibility for both NGLs and Natural Gas asset optimization and risk management.
As greater volatility exposed increased risk associated with natural gas assets and regional basis, Scott became more actively involved in natural gas trading and asset optimization managing East regional assets for Williams Companies. Accumulating such diverse experience in trading, risk management and analytics, led Scott to co-founding and successfully managing a natural gas trading company for several years. During this time, he further proved his analytical skill in identifying profitable short- and medium-term trading strategies based on solid supply/demand fundamental analysis.
Scott initially joined RBAC in 2011 focused primarily on GPCM® supply side development and analytics. As the shale revolution starting to gain momentum, he helped RBAC quickly identify the importance and implications NGLs production had on natural gas supply which eventually led to RBAC’s development of their NGL-NA modeling system, which Scott played a vital role in the overall design and development process.
More recently, Scott launched and ran a Natural Gas Liquids focused trading company. As the CIO, he was responsible for all facets of fundamental analysis, trade strategy development, execution and risk management. In this role, he once again applied his fundamental analysis proficiency to accurately identify supply/demand balance implications on price, across the 5 NGLs components, in what was a dramatically changing industry; one that had become globally interconnected virtually overnight.
Scott rejoined RBAC in 2019 and is responsible for full-cycle streamlining processes of RBAC’s modeling systems – e.g. GPCM®, G2M2®, NGL-NA® – with specific focus on supply and demand elasticities and forecasting, enhanced visual analytics, and overall data processing and analytics.
© 2020 RBAC, Inc. All rights reserved. GPCM, G2M2 and NGL-NA are trademarks of RT7K, LLC and are used with its permission.