GPCM® is the most widely used tool for developing market simulations for scenario analysis and forecasts for North American gas flows, price and basis. It is a complete system of interrelated models for simulating gas production, pipeline and storage capacity utilization, deliveries to LDCs, utilities, and industrial consumers, and commodity price at points throughout the North American market. GPCM’s purpose is high-quality market analysis in support of investment decisions which help licensees achieve their corporate goals.
GPCM consists of software modules and a detailed database of the North American gas market. RBAC’s experienced staff of expert researchers and energy industry veterans update that database with new information every three months. Each update incorporates explicit assumptions for future weather, economic growth, world oil price, and energy industry developments such as pipeline and storage projects, coal-plant conversions to gas, LNG bunkering, and renewable natural gas (RNG) use.
GPCM Base Case Database Features:
- Coverage includes Alaska, Canada, US Lower 48, US GOM, Mexico, and LNG
- Highly detailed database includes:
- 109 supply areas
- 6 supply types (SHALE, CBM, CONV, SNG, LNG, RNG)
- 14 shale plays (Barnett, Haynesville, Marcellus, Utica, Eagle Ford, etc.)
- 37 LNG projects (existing, under-development, proposed)
- 250+ pipelines (interstate, intrastate, GOM gathering, LNG headers)
- 442 storage facilities
- 113 demand areas
- 450 utilities and industrial customer groups
- 5 demand sectors (RES, COM, IND, ELC, TRN)
- 100+ market points mapped to Platts Gas Daily pricing hubs
- LNG demand outlook from RBAC’s G2M2 Global Gas & LNG Simulator
- Monthly time frame for medium to long term scenarios
- Daily time frame option for assessing pipeline and storage deliverability during extreme weather conditions
- Computes natural gas supply, demand, prices, basis, pipeline flows, storage activity, and natural gas liquids (NGL) production
- Re-calibrated quarterly using latest available data
- Built-in monthly forecast through 2050
- Detailed monthly gas supply outlooks by supply area and play
- State and sector level monthly demand regressions and outlooks
- Pipeline data include zones, links, interconnects, capacities, and costs
- Storage field data includes capacities, costs, connecting pipelines
- LNG terminal data include capacities, costs, connecting pipelines
- Carbon market price forecasts (optional)
- GPCM’s solver produces market clearing solutions for:
- Field and market prices
- Pipeline flows and capacity values
- Storage injections, withdrawals, levels and capacity values
- LNG import/export volumes and spot market values
For additional information please contact James Brooks at (281) 506-0588 ext. 126 or click here to contact.