RBAC Inc., Energy Market Simulation Systems

GPCM Insights
Visual Analytics for North American Gas & LNG

RBAC’s GPCM® Market Simulator for North American Gas and LNG™ has been integrated with business intelligence (BI) visualization software to create dynamic graphics and reports, allowing users to quickly and easily analyze customized scenario results, identify possible risks and target opportunities of the assumed market conditions.

A subscription to RBAC’s GPCM Insights Visual Analytics for North American Gas & LNG provides a full set of standard outputs that give a comprehensive forecast of the North American Gas and LNG markets.  

Price & Basis

Displaying changes in North American Price and Basis can help to identify investment opportunities or risk under a variety of customized scenarios.

Source Destination Flows

Displaying magnitudes or changes in magnitudes of natural gas flows gives the user an efficient way to understand gas flow dynamics under different assumptions.

LNG Exports

The impact of specific scenario assumptions on expected LNG exports can be used to identify and quantify potential risks and opportunities in the converging global gas market.

Shale by Play

The shale revolution dramatically changed both domestic and global energy market dynamics, thus future supply expectations of these critical plays will likely continue to drive investment decisions, supply/demand balances, product flows and prices.

Power BI visuals are based on several of RBAC’s latest GPCM Market Simulator for North American Gas and LNG scenarios, unless otherwise indicated, and are for demonstrating GPCM and its accompanying Power BI interface capabilities. RBAC, and its base case results, do not provide any recommendations, implicit or otherwise, related to investments, trading or any other financial decisions.  Any use of modeling results and/or forecast are the sole decision and responsibility of the user. See RBAC’s website “Term of Use” for further information.

For additional information please contact James Brooks at (281) 506-0588 ext. 126 or click here to contact.

Contact Us



Contact Numbers:

Administration:   (281) 506-0588
Sales:                    (281) 506-0588 ext. 126
Support:               (281) 506-0588 ext. 125



Contact Numbers:

(281) 506-0588
(281) 506-0588 ext. 126
(281) 506-0588 ext. 125
