RBAC’s Advisory Services combine our industry expertise with our energy market simulators, GPCM® Market Simulator for North American Gas and LNG™ and G2M2® Market Simulator for Global Gas and LNG™, to support our client’s corporate strategy and help to achieve their environmental and sustainability goals.
Our experts give clients timely and invaluable insights into the changing dynamics of the market utilizing their deep understanding and experience with our industry-standard market simulators without over-burdening their limited analytics resources.
Our products and expertise help companies go beyond the narratives and hype to identify the opportunities and define the risks of energy transition using reality- and fact-based fundamentals and analysis.
RBAC’s market simulation and advisory services include:
- Custom Scenario Design & Analysis
- Applications in investment strategy design, M&A, and resource planning.
- Analytic or forecasting support during crunch or overload situations.
- Establishment of in-house market simulation capability
- Integrating gas and LNG market simulation into your energy practice.
- Developing consistent gas and power market forecasts.
- Modeling the future of gas in the energy transition.
- Incorporating CO2 emissions pricing and goals.
- Including bio-methane growth possibilities.
- Paving the way to mixed methane-hydrogen scenarios.
- Training & mentoring staff in the basics of modeling gas markets using tools such as GPCM and G2M2.
- Integrating gas and LNG market simulation into your energy practice.
RBAC Advisory Services provide the insights organizations need to address the challenges of the present as well as those of the energy transition. This is done through expert use of the best analytic tools available, including GPCM and G2M2, the most sophisticated and widely used gas and LNG market simulation systems on the market.
For additional information please contact James Brooks at (281) 506-0588 ext. 126 or click here to contact.