RBAC Inc., Energy Market Simulation Systems

Transforming Energy Forecasting for a Complex World

Transforming Energy Forecasting for a Complex World

Dr. Robert Brooks on the Energy Bytes Podcast – Part 1

Summary by Cyrus Brooks

Shifting energy market dynamics has always been a challenge for businesses. Whether it’s new energy regulations, or geopolitical events, being able to understand how these events impact the energy market is vital for any business to develop workable strategies that help them achieve their future energy goals.

Dr. Robert Brooks, the founder of RBAC, has dedicated his career to addressing these challenges. RBAC provides advanced market simulation software specifically designed to help companies make more informed and strategic decisions.

With over 40 years of experience, Dr. Brooks has established himself as a thought leader in energy market forecasting. RBAC’s innovative software solutions are invaluable for organizations aiming to understand the future of natural gas, LNG, and hydrogen markets, and how they relate to the energy transition.

Energy market analysts and policymakers alike can leverage RBAC’s market simulation software .

  • Utility Companies: To understand fluctuations in natural gas and LNG prices and future supply-demand dynamics.
  • Energy Producers: To predict market conditions and make informed decisions about production rates and exploration efforts.
  • Policy Makers: To run simulations and assess the impacts of policy changes on energy markets and the viability and consumer costs of new projects.
  • Investors: To gain a clear understanding of future prices and demand, providing a data-driven foundation for investment decisions.

Businesses turn to RBAC for its commitment to accurate and dynamic energy market modeling. Recently, RBAC added functionality to simulate the integration of hydrogen into natural gas systems. This feature, set to be released in November at the company’s annual gas and user conference in Orlando, Florida, allows companies to analyze the impact of hydrogen as a potential energy source.

Hydrogen is increasingly seen as a future player in clean energy due to its ability to produce energy without emitting carbon dioxide. However, hydrogen production, storage, and transportation present unique challenges. By incorporating hydrogen into their models, RBAC’s software helps companies understand the economic and logistical hurdles they might face when transitioning to hydrogen or blending it with natural gas.

For businesses aiming to stay ahead of the curve, RBAC’s software provides the data-driven insights necessary to make informed decisions in a complex and uncertain world.

Whether your organization is involved in natural gas, LNG, or exploring the integration of hydrogen, RBAC offers the tools you need to make smart, forward-thinking decisions that can drive your strategy and achieve your goals.

Introduction to RBAC

Interested in attending our 2024 RBAC Annual Gas & User Conference? Click here for more information.

RBAC, Inc. is the market leading supplier of global and regional gas and LNG market simulation systems. The GPCM® Market Simulator for North American Gas and LNG™ is the most widely used gas market simulation system in North America. RBAC’s G2M2® Market Simulator for Global Gas and LNG™ is designed for forecasting gas and LNG production, transportation, storage, and deliveries across the global gas markets. These systems provide industry analysts powerful tools for supporting corporate investment and M&A strategy, achieving environmental and sustainability goals, risk analysis and trading.

© 2024 RBAC, Inc. All rights reserved.  GPCM and G2M2 are registered trademarks owned by RT7K, LLC and are used with its permission.

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