RBAC Inc., Energy Market Simulation Systems

RBAC-Refinitiv 2021 Global Gas & LNG Balance Forecast and Report

Houston, Texas, June 17, 2021.  In 2020, utilizing RBAC’s G2M2® Market Simulator for Global Gas and LNG™, Refinitiv and RBAC studied the sensitivity of gas prices and LNG flows between the US, Europe, and Asia using a robust set of 20 possible weather scenarios.  The resulting joint 24-month forecast and report explored the evolving inter-relationships […]

GPCM Now Available!

RBAC is pleased to announce the release of GPCM The release includes several important improvements and bug fixes, as seen below. We have added a Table of Contents to the Scenario Overview Exporter. In addition to the new TOC sheet, each of your chosen reports will have a link back to the TOC above […]

21Q1base Database Now Available!

The 21Q1base quarterly GPCM database has been loaded to the RBAC website for download. Below is a short 21Q1base Forecast Bulletin with highlights from this new release. For more information or assistance, please call RBAC Technical Support at 281-506-0588 x112.

20Q4base Database Now Available!

The 20Q4base quarterly GPCM database has been loaded to the RBAC website for download. Below is a short 20Q4base Forecast Bulletin with highlights from this new release. We have also attached a .pdf for your convenience. For more information or assistance, please call RBAC Technical Support at 281-506-0588 x112.

GPCM Now Available!

RBAC is pleased to announce the release of GPCM The release includes several important improvements and critical bug fixes: We have improved graphing on the Customer Receipts and Supplier Deliveries Summary and Detail reports. The reports now work similarly to other reports – click on a column header (it turns blue), and then click […]

Dr. Brooks joins the 11th Gulf Intelligence Global UAE Energy Forum discussing the how the Biden Administration could reposition the US as a climate leader.

Houston, Texas, January 19, 2021.  On January 13th RBAC’s Founder, Dr. Robert Brooks, was a featured panelist on a Roundtable at the 11th Gulf Intelligence Global UAE Energy Forum entitled “How can Biden reposition the US as a climate leader in his first 100 days in office?”. Other panelists included Dr. Morgan Bazilian, Director, Payne Institute for […]

Winter Asia LNG price creates a big bang and what do we learn?

There are two fundamental reasons for such market dynamic for Northeast Asia market:  First, Asia has large seasonal swings of demand with high dependency of imports. Large demand with high seasonal changes could be solved by sufficient and reliable supply. For example, Russia has high seasonal swing of demand, but it has also sufficient domestic […]

What is the Role for Natural Gas in the Energy Transition?

RBAC’s G2M2® Electric Demand Model is not only capable of forecasting country-level natural gas demand in the power sector, but also provides a hint of energy mix in power generation and flexibility in fuel prices, carbon prices and energy policies. In RBAC’s “What is the Role for Natural Gas in the Energy Transition” full report, […]

20Q3base Database Now Available!

The 20Q3base quarterly GPCM database has been loaded to the RBAC website for download. Highlights of 20Q3base: With winter right around the corner, hurricane season hopefully drawing to conclusion, and natural gas having rallied to over $3.00/MMBtu, is the market truly shifting to a tighter supply/demand balance and if so, for how long? As anyone […]

GPCM Now Available!

RBAC is pleased to announce the release of GPCM The release includes several important improvements and critical bug fixes: The Consumption Summary report now splits out LNG Exports. A new column shows LNG Export demand in the Consumption Summary form, and it is part of the total Demand computation similar to Storage Demand. In […]