RBAC Inc., Energy Market Simulation Systems

RBAC Newsletter 2024 Issue 7

Warm Weather Fuels Booming LNG Markets Summer is now underway in North America, bringing with it increased demand for natural gas and LNG. This month we present diverse commentary covering the markets in both Europe and Asia. We have a quick brief looking into the retirement of the Mystic Generating Station in New England; an […]

RBAC Newsletter 2024 Issue 6

Hot Weather, Hot LNG Markets We present this month, insights and commentary covering North America and the Global Natural Gas market in this new edition of our newsletter. The summer months are upon us in the North and with hot weather comes high demand for natural gas and LNG for power. We present diverse commentary […]

RBAC Newsletter 2024 Issue 5

LNG Action Around the Globe We present this month insights and commentary covering North America and the Global Natural Gas market in this new edition of our newsletter. With geopolitics flaring in various areas around the world, all eyes have been on the global market. Whatever risks near the Strait of Hormuz, the LNG market […]

RBAC Newsletter 2024 Issue 4

LNG Spotlight and Natural Gas Getting the Shoulder A lot of eyes have been on natural gas and LNG recently with turmoil in the United States regarding LNG export project permitting, potentially opening the door for new market participants. Meanwhile, US domestic gas prices have been depressed and are “getting the shoulder”, as you will […]

RBAC Newsletter 2024 Issue 3

Major Global Gas Market Shifts on the Horizon Are there major shifts on the horizon? A month after the announcement by the White House of a U.S. LNG permitting pause, QatarEnergy LNG announced plans to capture nearly 25% of the LNG market through greatly expanded LNG export capacity by 2030. Europe meanwhile has been making […]

RBAC Newsletter 2024 Issue 2

Global Gas Market is Hot Despite the Cold We hope all of our readers are staying warm during this Winter, to help you make it through the end of the month we have a new slate of articles for you to bundle up with blankets and immerse yourself in increasing your knowledge of the global […]

RBAC Newsletter 2024 Issue 1

Natural Gas and LNG Center Stage in 2023 With the end of the pandemic announced and most of the world back into production, natural gas maintained its predominance over the world being the great “balancer”, whether as LNG in making up for lost flows in Europe or in many areas where renewables paired with the […]

RBAC Newsletter 2023 Issue 12

The Future of Natural Gas and LNG Keeps Getting Brighter As we move into the last month of the year with holidays on the horizon, we have a shorter list of articles than normal to help ease into the holidays, but don’t worry it is still chock-full of incredible insight into the natural gas and […]

RBAC Newsletter 2023 Issue 11

The Expanding Presence of Natural Gas and LNG in the Global Market Despite volatility, gas and LNG demand is increasing. Conflicts are increasing volatility and uncertainty. But what is certain is that gas is seen as having a vital role for the future. This month, we are excited to bring you natural gas and LNG […]

RBAC Newsletter 2023 Issue 10

Global Gas and LNG Market Advance Despite Volatility The global market has been a center of attention this month as we zeroed in on Africa developing their domestic gas resources, LNG and economic growth in Southeast Asia and Japan, Australian gas supply disruption scenarios, evaluating the global progress towards the energy transition, and how the […]