RBAC Inc., Energy Market Simulation Systems

James Brooks

Director of
Business Development

Mr. James Brooks is an Energy Industry Professional dedicated to helping his clients and industry colleagues develop their own industry analytics capabilities to improve their core business and increase their market share.

In such a dynamic market, one has to be able to look at many different scenarios for every project, giving them as much insight as possible for good decision making. Mr. Brooks works to help his clients develop their analytics capabilities by identifying the tools they will need to add the most value to their company by revealing the risks and opportunities in the industry.

After receiving his degree in International Studies with a focus of Economics and Political Science from the University of California at Irvine in 2003, Mr. Brooks went to work for RBAC as the Database & Support Manager of the GPCM® Market Simulator for North American Gas and LNG™. During this time, he designed a system for collecting and qualifying all data being used in the development of RBAC’s database models.

In 2008 Mr. Brooks became RBAC’s Director of Business Development. During his tenure, he has developed precise programs that have directly contributed to his success in helping his clients and industry colleagues develop their analytics capabilities and improve their own company’s market shares. Mr. Brooks believes that one is only as valuable as he can help others and uses that philosophy when working with his clients and colleagues.

Mr. Brooks is very active in both local and national community affairs and frequently volunteers at community events and helps natural disaster response groups. His volunteer efforts help individuals and families who have been struck by disasters to handle their immediate situation and get back on their feet.

© 2021 RBAC, Inc. All rights reserved.  GPCM and GPCM Market Simulator for North American Gas and LNG are trademarks of RT7K, LLC and are used with its permission.