RBAC Inc., Energy Market Simulation Systems

Singapore LNG 2024 Version 2

Unlocking Opportunities: Keys to Success in the LNG Marketplace

Natural gas and LNG have run into headwinds from very different sources.  Some, having refused to see the incredible value to be created in achieving the primary goal of energy, as well as their stubborn insistence that “natural gas is as bad as coal” for the environment, have worked at every turn to thwart the growth of the gas industry instead of working with it to achieve realistic climate goals.

And geopolitical risks based on ancient hatreds as well as 21st century empirical ambitions have made it increasingly difficult to get ample supplies of invaluable energy products to hungry markets around the world. Energy security has replaced energy transition as the most highly desired energy goal in 2024. Regardless of all headwinds, 2023 was a banner year for LNG trade and indeed LNG was in the global spotlight in helping bring energy to all corners of the globe.

With that in mind, we invite you to join us for a special in-person Singapore LNG Seminar, where we bring industry experts to discuss the latest trends, market dynamics, and strategic insights.


09:15am – 09:45am    Registration

09:45am – 10:10am    Opening Remarks

10:10am – 10:45am    Global Gas and LNG Outlook Using RBAC’s G2M2 Market Simulator

10:45am – 11:00am    Coffee Break

11:00am – 11:30am    China LNG Outlook

11:30am – 12:00pm    The Future Outlook of Asia – U.S. LNG Trade under Various Uncertainties

12:00pm – 12:20pm    Q&A 

Gain Insight into

  • The Global Gas Market: If you want to stay ahead of the curve, this seminar provides in-depth insights into market dynamics, trends, and underlying fundamentals. Better understand why shifts occur and their impact on the LNG industry. Gain actionable knowledge to adapt your strategies.
  • Geopolitical Impacts: Explore how geopolitical factors can influence the LNG market. From the recent LNG pause, to the Red Sea conflict, Panama slow-down and more.
  • Supply and Demand Imbalances: Learn how changes in supply and demand affect prices. Uncover strategies to navigate price fluctuations effectively.

Key Benefits of Attending

  • Market Insights: Get an exclusive look at the natural gas/LNG market outlook for China and North America.
  • Cross-Continental Dynamics: Understand how LNG interacts between North America and Asia, opening doors for strategic collaborations.
  • Optimization Tools: Learn about tools to enhance your LNG trading and portfolio optimization.
  • Investment Clarity: If you’re considering investments, gain certainty about the future market.
  • Fundamentals Analysis: Discover ways to improve profitability through robust market fundamentals analysis.

About RBAC

RBAC is a market leader inglobal and regional gas and LNG market simulation systems, equips industry analysts with the best tools available optimize their investment strategies, M&A decisions, risk analysis, and policy development. Our expertise helps companies identify opportunities and define risks during the energy transition using reality-based fundamentals.

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Contact Numbers:

Administration:   (281) 506-0588
Sales:                    (281) 506-0588 ext. 126
Support:               (281) 506-0588 ext. 125



Contact Numbers:

(281) 506-0588
(281) 506-0588 ext. 126
(281) 506-0588 ext. 125
