RBAC Inc., Energy Market Simulation Systems

Products And Services

Natural Gas and LNG Market Simulation Systems

RBAC is the market leading supplier of global and regional gas and LNG market simulation systems. These systems provide industry analysts powerful tools for supporting corporate investment and M&A strategy, improving free cash flow, achieving environmental and sustainability goals, including reduction of CO2 emissions, conducting credible and useful risk analysis and planning, and enhancing profitability in commodity trading. Organizations using RBAC’s products and services include energy industry firms and consultants, ISOs and RTOs, and government agencies involved with energy, transportation, and the environment. 

  • GPCM® Market Simulator for North American Gas and LNGâ„¢
  • GPCM® Essentials
  • GPCM Viewpoints®
  • GPCM® Visual Analytics
  • G2M2® Market Simulator for Global Gas and LNGâ„¢
  • G2M2® Essentials
  • G2M2® Viewpointsâ„¢
  • G2M2® Visual Analytics
  • Insight into the gas market price and demand fluctuations and how it relates to power markets.
  • Power market analysts can better understand and simulate gas market dynamics.
  •  Quickly compute solutions between Gas4Power and power market models.
  • Forecast potential impacts of various conditions and events on NGL Production, Processing, Transportation, Pricing and Demand.
  • Changing patterns of dry and wet gas production.
  • New gas processing plants and fractionators.
  • Diluent market growth.
  • Custom Scenario Design & Analysis.
  • Assistance in establishment of in-house market simulation capability.
  • Training & mentoring staff in the basics of modeling gas markets using tools such as GPCM and G2M2.

Energy Transition and Future Enhancements

With RBAC’s advanced simulation systems, licensees can analyze scenarios involving bio-methane (Renewable Natural Gas – RNG) mixed with natural gas and to assess the implications of carbon taxes and emissions markets and limits on gas supply, demand, and prices.  Future enhancements will include the ability to simulate the advent of a hydrogen market with both pure hydrogen pipelines as well as mixtures with methane.

Today’s Energy Analysts need powerful market simulators to help them conduct realistic assessments and develop workable strategies and plans to achieve their company’s goals for the energy transition.

For additional information please contact James Brooks at (281) 506-0588 ext. 126 or click here to contact.

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Contact Numbers:

Administration:   (281) 506-0588
Sales:                    (281) 506-0588 ext. 126
Support:               (281) 506-0588 ext. 125



Contact Numbers:

(281) 506-0588
(281) 506-0588 ext. 126
(281) 506-0588 ext. 125
