LNG Exports Price Impact: Size Matters
Los Angeles, California, March 2, 2012 – “The price impact of LNG exports is determined by how big and how fast they grow,” stated Dr. Robert Brooks. “Using RBAC’s GPCM® model, we ran five different scenarios with export volumes from 0 to 6 bcf/day, all originating from LNG export terminals along the Gulf Coast. We […]
Experts Say North American LNG Exports Could Break Into World Markets If…
Houston, Texas, June 20, 2011 – World gas spot price will be the driving factor in whether LNG exports become a viable option for excess North American gas supply, according to Dr. Robert Brooks, Founder of RBAC, Inc., addressing a conference of energy market modelers in Houston. Alaska and British Columbia have an important distance […]
Other Publications by RBAC Inc.
“Optimizing Complex Natural Gas Models”, presented at the INFORMS National Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, April 1995 “GRIDNET Natural Gas Operations Optimizing System”, with C.P. Neill, presented at the ORSA / TIMS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, August 1991 “The TENRAC Gas Pipeline Competition Model,” in Analytic Techniques for Energy Planning, B. Lev, F.H. Murphy, J.A. Bloom […]