Can Mountain Valley Pipeline Reduce Inflation
H.R.5376 or The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 seems to be all anyone can talk about these days. This broad-ranging legislation touches everything from healthcare to the IRS budget and even climate change. Proponents of the bill having said it will reduce healthcare costs, fund low-carbon energy projects and close tax loopholes. Opponents have opined […]
Out of Chaos – Finding Opportunity in a Volatile Gas Market
Ongoing chaos seems to have become the new normal: extreme temperatures rolling through the lower 48 United States, trade disputes with Mexico, LNG Plant explosions and last but certainly not least the ongoing Ukraine/Russia Conflict. Every day there seems to be a new wrinkle throwing energy markets into a spiral, highlighting the need for companies […]
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
We are big believers that in life the only constant is change. The constantly changing dynamics of the energy industry is a great example of this. Henry Hub hitting $8, Natural gas producers demonstrating capital discipline, a Democratic president requesting more fossil fuel production, the impact of the Russian/Ukrainian conflict on global markets, etc.? RBAC’s 22Q1 outlook […]
Can Energy Security be Achieved Under the New FERC Policy?
Amidst a global energy crisis, geopolitical events like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine highlight more than ever the need for energy security. Security from undersupply and from price disruption at the fuel pump and in consumer utility bills. Is such security possible while at the same time achieving global climate goals? Producing cheap, environmentally friendly energy […]
When Opportunity Knocks, Answer the Door
For independent natural gas producers, the saying “When opportunity knocks, answer the door.” has never been truer. Despite a high natural gas price environment, there have been limited production increases from major publicly held companies. Even with natural gas prices in excess of $5.00/MMBtu, US dry gas production has averaged about 92 Bcf/d over the […]