February has been a flurry of activity for RBAC and activity in the energy world. Catch up on the hot analyses in the natural gas world.
Articles and Media
Europe without Russian Natural Gas
“Using RBAC’s G2M2 Market Simulator for Global Gas and LNG™, we developed a scenario where European imports of Russian gas drop to zero…”
China Takes Crown as World Number #1 Gas Importer
“Pipe gas from Russia shares the fastest growth rate, increasing from 3 million tons in 2020 to 7.6 million tons in 2021, accounting for around 20% of total pipe imports…”
Energy Transition, the Right Way
“… the sprint towards renewable energy sources and away from fossil fuels out-paced their ability to deliver, causing a frantic scramble in efforts to keep lights on and heaters warming.”
The Cost of Energy Security
“Cutting CO2 emissions and decarbonization was supposed to be the main topic in global LNG markets last year. Instead, energy security has come again front and center, especially for purchasing countries.”

Fueling New England's Energy Crisis
“Recently Reuters and WSJ wrote about increased LNG exports, rising energy prices and increased carbon emissions due to switching AWAY from natural gas. At RBAC, we run energy market simulations through GPCM software to get the best information possible and here are some key points about that impact fuel use decision-making, LNG exports and prices.”
Economic Fact vs. Political Fiction
“How can we reduce natural gas prices? What would happen if liquified natural gas (LNG) exports were banned? What should be the role of government in this matter? And what does this have to do with popcorn?”
Read “New England’s Energy Crisis,” our second in a series on the Northeast’s challenge to get energy to the people.