March Madness takes on new meaning in the energy world with uncertainty and volatility like we’ve never seen. In this newsletter, retrieve your certainty which you can get from RBAC’s expertise and robust energy market simulation.
Articles and Media

Market Simulation Illuminates Neglected Northeast Energy Needs
“How can New England be in an energy crisis again, being right next to some of the most prolific natural gas deposits on Earth?”
New FERC Policy
“Last month, FERC issued an updated policy statement on the certification of new interstate natural gas facilities. While politically driven, it was a long time coming, the previous policy statement having been issued in 1999.”

Pipelines, LNG, energy policy and energy crisis.
RBAC’s Scott McKenna talks about New England, and what deep analysis shows and reveals as to solutions for energy crises such as in New England and the Atlantic.
Click video for full interview.
How to get true natural gas and LNG insights in a sea of data?
RBAC’s Gas and LNG Visual Analytics include a series of business intelligence (BI) visualization reports based on those in the industry standard GPCM® Market Simulator for North American Gas and LNG™.

Food for Thought
Read some of our engaging commentary on social media and join us in the conversation.

Energy Poverty is Poverty
“One of the most important goals of society is to reduce poverty and improve the global standard of living. It can’t be done with such energy poverty as we currently have. We must have energy access for all.”
Charting Your Course in Uncertain Times
“Political franticness in handling the energy crisis in Europe and gas prices in America reminds me of words I heard from a famous ship captain who enjoined, ‘A disaster (read ‘crisis’) is something which has not been predicted or prepared for.'”