RBAC Inc., Energy Market Simulation Systems

RBAC Newsletter 2022 Issue 2

Announcements RBAC’s 2021 Q4 Insights “A market that was previously characterized by “supply-push” dynamics has now arguably transformed to a “demand-pull” personality.” Read “It’s a New Year, but is it Really ‘Auld Lang Syne’?”, an overview of RBAC’s quarterly base case release.  Image by Nick from Pixabay

What if we turned off nuclear and fossil fuels tomorrow?

Could we turn off coal, nuclear and gas and just go with wind, solar and hydro, tomorrow? What would happen? It reminds me of the solar storm that almost wiped out all power in 2012 (due to a CME, or “coronal mass ejection,” which is not a protest against lockdowns). If we turned off all coal, […]

RBAC Newsletter 2022 Issue 1

The top stories in 2021 Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash, with Texas shape The Texas Freeze   “Given the abundance of natural gas supply in Texas and its dominant role as a fuel source for power generation in the state, an obvious question is, where was the natural gas to step in and fill […]