You may have received a survey about our upcoming User Conference in November, so be sure to give us your feedback. We would also like to announce our attendance of the upcoming LNG 2023 World Conference in Vancouver this July. If you are also attending the conference, let’s meet or at least say “Hi!” Meanwhile, this month we have a great collection of blogs and articles covering both North American and global gas and LNG markets. Enjoy!
Articles and Media
Bangladesh Power Crisis
“Bangladesh certainly has the assets and tools needed to become energy independent, so long as they don’t get in their own way. But to do that, they must concurrently solve domestic gas prices, subsidies, and their impact on the greater economy will attempting to revive their development of natural gas exploration.”
Read “Bangladesh Power Crisis”
LNG 2023 World Conference
Join us in Vancouver for the LNG 2023 World Conference! Our CEO, Dr. Robert Brooks will be speaking on the, “Current dynamics of the global supply and demand market,” with a particular focus on Europe.
Read more here.
Using Models for Trading
“What we need is a holistic approach which fully captures the natural gas industry infrastructure and provides a realistic forecast for supply, demand, flows and pricing across the gas industry grid.”
Unlocking Profitable
Trading Opportunities
“If you are interested in discovering untapped potential and seizing opportunities in the ever-changing energy market, you need to unleash the power of prediction.”
Essential Reading
Taken from the trove of the writings from our energy experts. Here read technical insights and far-sighted analysis relevant through the lens of today’s energy.
Supporting Energy Access
“According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) there are roughly 1.1 billion people without access to electricity. This is one of the biggest challenges facing mankind today. How do we bring energy to a billion people still in the dark?”
Read here.
Food For Thought
Read some of our engaging commentary on social media and join us in the conversation.
The Story of Power
“The day must come when electricity will be for everyone, as the waters of the rivers and the wind of heaven. It should not merely be supplied, but lavished, that men may use it at their will, as the air they breathe.”
– Emile Zola, “Travail”, 1901
Read here.